White QB starts for Saints over more qualified Black QB, because 'glimpses'

Jon HelmkampJon Helmkamp|published: Fri 20th November, 13:25 2020
Taysom Hill is starting over Jameis Winston, despite never throwing 10 passes in a season. credits: | source: Getty Images

If we’re being honest, this is some bullshit.

And not only is Taysom Hill starting over Jameis Winston, but the Adam Schefter report is that Winston won’t be in any offensive packages for the New Orleans Saints this Sunday.

This honestly isn’t to knock Hill, but let’s call it what it is. We’re already doing the thing trying to explain ‘glimpses’ and why he’s shown ‘progress’ as a thrower, as if Winston hadn’t been an NFL starting QB for half-a-decade until now. As if Winston’s numbers didn’t kinda look just like Peyton Manning’s in those first five years.

If Hill were better, he wouldn’t be used on special teams or as a decoy on some plays.

Winston threw for more passing yards in two seasons of college football than Hill did in all five.

Winston even led the league in passing yards last season, and is probably the best back-up in the NFL right now. Never mind that Hill is starting because head coach Sean Payton is probably worried about Winston’s turnovers — he led the league in interceptions last season with 30 — but he’s at least an actual quarterback, who went 6-10 for 63 yards last week.

Hill hasn’t thrown 10 passes in any NFL season.

All we’ve been hearing regarding the analysis of Hill is that he needs to be given an opportunity. That at the age 30, he still might develop into something resembling an elite NFL player. That if given a chance, he could prove why the Saints guaranteed him $16 million through 2021. That he’s Payton’s man-crush because he’s … a better tight end than a quarterback???

Updated: 3 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20, 2020: To add to the mess, later on Payton wouldn’t even commit to the decision:

All this says is to expect a very low volume of passing from the Saints this weekend. If they actually trusted him, why did Winston throw 10 passes in relief last week?

So while people make every excuse possible to justify Hill playing quarterback over Winston, because that’s all this is about, let’s just remember that this is the NFL after all. And if you know that there’s nothing else needed to be said, there’s nothing else needed to be said.

Then again, the Atlanta Falcons are exactly the franchise who’d historically make this nonsense work against them, so who knows.

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