Get Gross Peel-y Skin Then Baby-Smooth Feet With This $10 3-Pack of Foot Exfoliation Masks

Aliver Foot Exfoliation Peeling Masks (3-Pack) | $10 | Amazon
Aliver Foot Exfoliation Peeling Masks (3-Pack) | $10 | Amazon
Graphic: Elizabeth Lanier

Aliver Foot Exfoliation Peeling Masks (3-Pack) | $10 | Amazon

You can snag a 3-pack of foot exfoliation peeling masks for just $10 on Amazon right now and get those toes ready for the summer!

Basically, you need to just set aside some time to relax and wear the little booties for an hour to 90 minutes, then your dead gross winter-roughened foot skin will peel off within the next week. It’s pretty gross and delightful, all at the same time.

Since this comes in a 3-pack, you can experience the grossness of foot peeling and the slow transformation to baby feet with a couple of loved ones. What a deal!

This deal was originally published on 1/02/21 by Elizabeth Lanier and was updated with new information on 5/8/21.