Grab the Red Apple Watch Series 6 for Only $299 on Amazon Right Now

Save $100 on a brand new Apple Watch Series 6 in red

Apple Watch Series 6 Wi-Fi 40mm (Red) | $299 | Amazon
Apple Watch Series 6 Wi-Fi 40mm (Red) | $299 | Amazon
Graphic: Amazon

Apple Watch Series 6 Wi-Fi 40mm (Red) | $299 | Amazon

Whether you are in the market for a smartwatch because you just never had one or because you lost your Apple Watch Series 4 while paddleboarding down the Brandywine Creek with some old college buddies like an idiot, you’re in luck! Amazon is selling the red version of the Apple Watch Series 6 for only $299. The red strap can be replaced with any color you want or any compatible third party strap be it silicon, leather, or metal—but just keep in mind the body of this watch is also red and its gonna stay that way until you lose it paddleboarding again, Joe.