What's Up Gamer! Time to Collect All the Chip Crumbs That Fell Into Your Keyboard Over the Past Year for Only $6

Just please don't eat it once you get it out of there.

Cleaning Gel Dust Cleaner for Keyboard | $6 | Amazon
Cleaning Gel Dust Cleaner for Keyboard | $6 | Amazon
Graphic: Joe Tilleli

Cleaning Gel Dust Cleaner for Keyboard | $6 | Amazon

We’ve spent the past year working from home and eating every meal over our keyboards. When we sign off for the day, we’re just closing Slack and staying in the same seat to open Steam. The amount of Cheeto crumbs and skin flakes to have fallen beneath our keys is enough to clone a cheese-based person. You could get a new keyboard or you can just get this $6 cleaner and make it feel new.

This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 07/15/2021 and updated with new information on 10/26/2021.