More Careers

Eight Ways Your Employer Can Screw You Over (That Aren’t Just Firing You)
Sometimes you're so good at your job that it actually costs you a promotion.

Four Reasons to Walk Out of a Job Interview
There are certain red flags that don’t just mean you should turn down the job—they mean you should stand up and walk away.

The Two Best Times of Year to Look for a New Job
If you’re looking to make a career change and you have the luxury of choosing your moment, timing your job search can really pay off.

Three Ways to Identify a 'Ghost' Job Posting
That job posting might be advertising a position that doesn't exist.

The Cheapest Professional Certificates That Pay Pretty Well
Getting certified in an industry is a key way to a good living, but can cost a lot in terms of time and money.

Why You Should Avoid 'Reverse Recruiters' During a Job Search
Unless you absolutely have no time, it's likely a waste of money.

Everything You Should Google About a Company Before You Take the Job
There’s nothing worse than enduring an endless interview cycle, getting a job, and then realizing you’ve made a terrible mistake. Here’s what you need to know about a potential employer before you accept the job.

How to Stay Sane at a Culty Tech Company
You're not alone and you're not crazy—you just feel that way.

How to Craft a Better Resume, According to a LinkedIn Career Expert
Here's what hiring managers are looking for in your resume right now.

Use These New Tools to Find Better Job Prospects on LinkedIn
Starting today, you can search for open jobs with two new features on LinkedIn.

How to Beat ‘Productivity Paranoia’ When You Work Remotely
When feeling pressured to appear productive gets in the way of your actual productivity.

If You’re Being Forced Back to the Office, Try ‘Coffee Badging’
If you've got to go into the office, try this strategy—it could lessen the burden of commuting while keeping your boss happy.

Approach a Potential Career Change As If You Were Designing a New Product
You may gain a new perspective, and find a better fit.

How to Get All-Star Status on LinkedIn
Achieving all-star status—and adding keywords to your bio—are among the best ways to stand out to recruiters on LinkedIn.

The Best Ways to Teach Yourself to Code
Yes, you can teach yourself how to code. Here's how to do it.
By Lifehacker Staff

Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Changing Careers
Figure out if you really need to make the change at all—and what to do next.

You Can Actually Still Join the French Foreign Legion
Becoming a disposable soldier for a foreign nation isn't for everyone, but you can do it as long as your tattoos aren't stupid.

The Difference Between a Good and Bad Follower at Work
Not everyone at work is a leader, but there are different types of followers.

These College Alternatives Can Actually Help You Get a Job
There are lots of other options that can prove your skills without taking out a loan.

Eight Non-Trade Jobs That Pay Well Without a Degree
A college degree isn’t always necessary—but if you’re not in the trades, what are your real options?