More Self Improvement
Self Improvement
Seven Tricks to Help You Stop Losing Your Phone (and Wallet, and Keys)
If you are forever losing your stuff, you know the chaos that ensues.
Self Improvement
Why You Can't Trust Your Smart Scale's Numbers
Some scales claim to calculate everything from body fat percentage to bone mass—but they have to make an awful lot of assumptions.
Self Improvement
Eight Strategies You Should Use in Almost Any Debate
Winning is easy. Finding common ground takes a little more skill.
Self Improvement
How to Break Your 'Loops' and Form Better Habits
You can disrupt routines you don't like—if you spot them.
Self Improvement
How (and Why) to Get Better at Active Listening
Listening isn't a passive activity—at least if you're doing it right.
Self Improvement
‘Mental Time Travel’ Can Help You Make Better Decisions
Our memories of the past can help us envision our futures.
Self Improvement
Use the 'HEFE' Method to Strike Up a Conversation
Making small talk is about to get a little easier.
Self Improvement
Six Phrases to Avoid When Giving Someone Bad News
Sometimes, the words you choose will only make matters worse.
Self Improvement
Use These Six Customer Service Phrases to Respond to Difficult People
Representatives are standing by with advice.
Self Improvement
Use These Phrases Instead of Pretending to Agree With Someone
Get your point across without ruffling any feathers.
Self Improvement
Use the 'FORD' Method to Master Small Talk
Starting a conversation doesn't have to be intimidating.
Self Improvement
Avoid These Phrases When Supporting a Friend (and What You Should Do Instead)
People aren't looking for one-liners to solve their problems.
Self Improvement
My Favorite Journals to Help You Meet Your Goals
Use these journals for reflection, dream documentation, financial planning, and even grieving.
Self Improvement
Improve Your Conversations By Focusing on Curiosity, Not Performance
Turns out you don't need to fill every silence with nervous rambling.
Self Improvement
How to Dance Casually Without Looking Like an Awkward Goofball
Life is too short to be a wallflower. Here's how to get out on the dance floor without looking (too) awkward
Self Improvement
How to Become More Curious (And Why You Should)
Think of it as a skill that you can improve and develop over time.
Self Improvement
The Most Effective Ways to Combat Psychological Avoidance
Of course we want to avoid things that make us anxious.
Self Improvement
Use Productive Procrastination to Start a Daunting Task
An alternative to putting it off for the hundredth time.