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More Retirement

Here's How Much You Should Save in Your 401(k) in 2025
Take advantage of increased the contribution limits in 2025.

You Can Max Out Your IRA Contributions for Longer Than You Might Think
If you haven't hit the contribution limit for 2024, you can still add to your account after the new year.

Eight Hidden Costs That Could Sink Your Retirement
Planning for retirement is about a lot more than just beefing up a retirement account.

Big Changes to Retirement Savings Are Coming in 2025
There's a key change coming next year for "max savers" who are nearing retirement.

Eight Important Financial Questions to Ask Your Aging Parents
Money conversations can be uncomfortable, but they are also essential.

Five Ways You Can Lose Your Social Security Benefits
Your retirement payouts aren't guaranteed.

Three Retirement Backup Plans You Need to Have
Anything can change, from your income, to your health, to the town you choose to settle in.

Why You Should Consider a Retirement Coach
If you’re not sure you’re doing retirement right, this is a real, actual thing you can do: Hire someone to guide you through the planning, transition, and implementation of your retirement.

You Might Be Able to Get a 401K Match for Your Student Loan Payments
Qualified loan payments can now be treated like retirement contributions.

Don't Rely on a 'Monte Carlo' Retirement Analysis
A Monte Carlo analysis can be a useful tool—but it has its limitations.

These New 401(k) Rules Make It Easier to Access Your Cash
New rules allow emergency withdrawals—and you define what counts as an emergency.

How to Decide What Time of Year to Retire
You’re ready to stop working and start the next phase—but choosing the exact day and month that you retire can have an impact on your finances, tax situation, and happiness.

'Funding' Your Retirement Account Isn't the Same As Investing
You need to actually select investments to buy with your cash.

Why Selling Your House and Renting in Retirement Is a Bad Idea
Cashing out your equity and getting the flexibility of a rental sounds great, but it could cost you—and your heirs.

‘Pretirement’ Can Stress-Test Your Retirement Plans
Every plan you’re making for retirement is just a guess until you try it IRL.

Five Things to Do a Year Before You Retire
You're retiring next year—congrats! Now let's make sure it goes smoothly.

Seven Post-Retirement Side Hustles That Offer More Than Money
If you're bored or lonely, these side hustles will make your retirement better.

How to Know If It's a Good Time for a Roth IRA Conversion
With Trump-era tax cuts set to expire next year, now might be the best time to take advantage of a Roth IRA.

How to Help Your Parents Afford Retirement Without Going Broke Yourself
Your parents are aging and have zero money. You can help, but make sure they don’t take you down with them.

These Numbers Will Convince Your Teen to Start Saving for Retirement
Start investing from your very first summer job, and you could be set for life.