More Plants

Why the Tips of Your Plant’s Leaves Turned Brown, and How to Fix It
If your plant looks like it has seen better days, don't despair.

Everything I'm Seeding in February
If you're jonesing to start gardening, good news—it's already time to start your seeds.

All the Gardening Tasks You Should Complete in February
Take steps now to ensure a great fruit crop, give your roses ready, and prepare to start seeds.

You Can Save a Lot of Money by Growing Your Own Seedlings Instead of Buying Plants
When you're buying one or two plants, letting someone else grow them makes sense. As you scale up, the math changes.

You Can (and Should) Plant Bulbs Right Now
End-of-season sales on "fall bulbs" can be as high as 80%, and as long as the ground is workable, now is a fantastic time to plant.

Six Things to Do for Your Garden on a Sunny Winter Day
Take advantage of the sun to get some time in nature.

It’s a Bad Time to Use Animal Manure on Your Plants
Due to threats from H5N1 and histoplasmosis, take extreme care when handling animal manure.

Five Smart Tech Gifts for Anyone Who Loves Plants
Smart technology has made tending to my flock of houseplants much easier and more effective.

How to Make Your Christmas Tree Last as Long as Possible
I hope you’re ready to do a lot of watering.

Four Ways to Keep Your Houseplants Happy in Winter
If you're feeling dried-out and listless this winter, imagine how your plants must feel.

Why Your Garden Needs a 'Hugelkultur' Bed (and How to Make One)
The ingredients for the most efficient garden beds are already in your yard.

All the Gardening Tasks You Should Do in December
Your garden is at rest, but you don't have to be.

Seven Signs the Tree in Your Yard Is About to Fall
If you see any of these signs of tree distress, it’s time to call a tree removal service before it winds up in your attic.

My Favorite Grow Lights Are on Sale for Black Friday
The grow lights I use year after year to grow seedlings are on sale—grab them now so you're ready for garden season.

Five Easy Plants You Should Bring Your Hosts for Thanksgiving
Ditch the wine and show up with something green.

Three Ways to Grow Herbs Indoors When You’re Tight on Space
When you're out of counter or floor space for growing indoors, go vertical.

These Eight Houseplants Are Perfect for Beginners
These easy-to-grow plants can make anyone feel like they have a green thumb.

This Is the Best Way to Germinate Seeds Outside During Winter
With this method, the results are more resilient seedlings that don't require any hardening off.

Four Steps You Should Take This Winter for Your Dream Garden Next Year
Spend the winter assessing the wins and losses of the past season and use that as the basis to plan next year's garden.

How to Design a Natural-Looking Garden
Instead of trying to achieve and maintain an ordered-looking yard design, get inspiration from nature.