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Two Cents demystifies personal finance and teaches you how to budget on your own terms, which investments are right for you, and how to achieve financial independence and a comfortable retirement.
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The Easiest Ways to Spot an Unpaid Tolls Scam Text
For one thing, the transportation administration doesn't use Gmail.

Five Ways to Lower Your Pool Maintenance Costs This Summer
Keeping your pool clean and functional is expensive—but you can keep a lid on those costs with a few simple steps.

Nine of the Strangest Tax Deductions You Might Qualify For
Good news: The IRS might allow you to deduct all those gambling losses.

Six of the Most Common Tax Myths in 2025
Avoid costly mistakes in the days and weeks leading up to April 15.

How Married Couples Can Double Their Retirement Tax Breaks in 2025
Even if one spouse doesn’t have an income, they can still save for retirement and get tax advantages.

Download This Tax Prep Checklist for Stress-Free Filing
Copy and customize this template to get through the filing process before the April 15 deadline.

Five Reasons You Might Qualify for Lower Car Insurance Premiums
Big life events could net you lower policy costs.

Three Roth IRA Rules to Know During Tax Season
Starting with: You have until April 15 to hit the contribution limit for 2024.

Four Savings Strategies to Try Instead of a 'No-Buy Month'
A budget is like a diet—you need moderation.

Start Using This Ultimate Tax Spreadsheet Now so You’re Ready for Next Year
Get organized now, and stop stressing out every April.

Four TikTok Tax ‘Hacks’ You Should Ignore
Maybe don't trust tax "loopholes" coming from a content creator.

Eight Subtle Scams Real Estate Agents Might Pull
These scams may not be illegal, but they’re not exactly ethical.

Two Reasons Interest Rates Won’t Be Dropping Anytime Soon
There's a “current high degree of uncertainty” around the future of inflation.

The Best Sites to Find Affordable Dupes of Brand Names
Plus a few companies that make solid dupes of their own.

10 of the Most Ridiculous Fees (and How to Avoid Paying Them)
I didn't realize I needed generational wealth to check my bag at the airport.

The Six Best Methods for Paying Off Credit Card Debt
Americans’ average credit card balance is at a record high $6,580.

The First Seven Things to Cut From Your Budget When You Lose Your Job
Cut back your spending while you're looking for your next opportunity.

This Is the Best Day of the Week to Browse New Home Listings
Don't let the perfect listing slip right past you.

Ten Ways to Get Cheap (or Free) Eye Exams and Eyeglasses
If you need glasses just to navigate your life, you know they can be pricey. Here’s how you can cut that cost down a lot—or even eliminate it.

Six Surprising Requests You Can Make When Negotiating for a House
Buying a house involves a contract, which means you can negotiate for a lot more than price.