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‘Plow’ Your Leaves With Cardboard

Move over rake and tarp—there's a better way to scoop up those pesky leaves this fall.
‘Plow’ Your Leaves With Cardboard
Credit: Gyvafoto - Shutterstock

Raking leaves is a pain in the ass. It’s time-consuming, wet, cold, and can even trigger your allergies. You have to do it, but so tedious is this task that people have come up with a variety of hacks and devices to help you get it done more efficiently. You can scoop leaves up with plastic or use a tarp or blanket to transport them. But one method has been gaining popularity in recent years, and it uses something you probably already have lying around and also probably want to get rid of: cardboard.

How to use cardboard to “plow” leaves

Instead of heading to the store for a big piece of plastic that you then have to store somewhere in your already-crowded garage along with those minimally effective rakes, you can use cardboard to “plow” your leaves. This tip is everywhere from Bob Vila to PopSugar to, for some reason, Geico.

One reason for this trick’s popularity is that you almost certainly have a cardboard box right now and, if you don’t, are likely to receive one soon. Whether you love Amazon or hate it, the online shopping revolution has surely reached your home, and you know that means an excess of boxes. Grab a big one and do the following:

  • Identify the biggest section of cardboard, which is likely the longer side panel

  • Cut off the flaps

  • Cut down the side corners of the box

  • Remove the two big pieces

Congrats, you’ve made a plow. This next part is really easy: You hold the flat part of the cardboard to the ground and push it across your yard. The leaves will accumulate on top of the board and you can push them all the way to the tarp, blanket, or bag that is waiting for them. Here’s a video demonstrating how it’s done:

Some catches

If it’s been rainy in your area and your lawn or leaves are wet, your cardboard will inevitably get wet, too, which will slowly weaken it. This is best performed on dry or slightly damp leaves, although the good thing about cutting up a big box is that you create multiple plows. If and when your first piece of cardboard gets too wet to function, just swap it out.

This will impact the recyclability of your cardboard. Per Green Matters, you should dry out wet cardboard before attempting to recycle it, but check with your local recycling center about whether they even want it at all, because water breaks down some key fibers and might make the cardboard useless for recycling. You can also consider cutting up and composting your cardboard, which will be doubly easy if you compost your leaves already.

Lindsey Ellefson
Lindsey Ellefson
Features Editor

Lindsey Ellefson is Lifehacker’s Features Editor. She currently covers study and productivity hacks, as well as household and digital decluttering, and oversees the freelancers on the sex and relationships beat. She spent most of her pre-Lifehacker career covering media and politics for outlets like Us Weekly, CNN, The Daily Dot, Mashable, Glamour, and InStyle. In recent years, her freelancing has focused on drug use and the overdose crisis, with pieces appearing in Vanity Fair, WIRED, The New Republic, The Daily Beast, and more. Her story for BuzzFeed News won the 2022 American Journalism Online award for Best Debunking of Fake News.

In addition to her journalism, Lindsey is a student at the NYU School of Global Public Health, where she is working toward her Master of Public Health and conducting research on media bias in reporting on substance use with the Opioid Policy Institute’s Reporting on Addiction initiative. She is also a Schwinn-certified spin class teacher. She won a 2023 Dunkin’ Donuts contest that earned her a year of free coffee. Lindsey lives in New York, NY.

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