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Six Ways to Use Swiffers Around the House (Besides Swiffering)

There are other ways to get your money's worth from that Swiffer.
Six Ways to Use Swiffers Around the House (Besides Swiffering)
Credit: Hugo Mauricio Lopez V - Shutterstock

Swiffers are kind of weird. They are pretty expensive to begin with, not to mention that you have to keep buying pads and refill liquid for them—and a good old-fashioned mop is cheaper and accomplishes the same goal. There are some unusual uses for Swiffers that a mop can’t replicate, though; so if you’ve already got one, here are a few ways to get some extra use out of it.

Prepare your walls for painting

Buff up your walls to remove any dust on them before you paint—dust and dirt can cause paint to clump up, so use the wet and dry cloths, then give the walls time to dry fully before applying a coat.

Battle cobwebs and spiders

Dusty cobwebs and spiderwebs lurk in the highest corners of your home. But don’t knock them down with a broom and then have to clean them up from the floor—instead, use a Swiffer dry pad to collect them. The webs will stick right to it.

Attack bathroom moisture

Mold, mildew, and water stains are common in bathrooms, and you can get rid of them—but you should use a Swiffer for the ceilings. Where you’d normally use a rag dipped in dish soap and warm water to get after stains, use a dry Swiffer pad dipped in the same mixture, then affix it to the handle and push it up on the ceiling.

De-lint the laundry space

Hunker also recommends getting at the lint hiding around your washing machine’s drum and vents and using Swiffer dry cloths to thoroughly wipe the inside of the machines every few weeks. The dry cloths attract lint, which is important: Lint buildup can cause fires. Good Housekeeping even recommends using a Swiffer sheet to to clean inside the lint trap.

Pack for a move

When you’re moving, use Swiffer dry cloths to pack valuables and delicate items, like dishes. They’re padded enough to stop these things from chipping on each other, plus you can use them to wipe down your shelving and floor when you get to your new place.

Wipe down plants

Plants need to be wiped down from time to time; instead of using a cloth for this, you should use a Swiffer pad, which attracts and holds dust instead of knocking it onto the floor—where you’ll end up still using the Swiffer to pick it up anyway.

Lindsey Ellefson
Lindsey Ellefson
Features Editor

Lindsey Ellefson is Lifehacker’s Features Editor. She currently covers study and productivity hacks, as well as household and digital decluttering, and oversees the freelancers on the sex and relationships beat. She spent most of her pre-Lifehacker career covering media and politics for outlets like Us Weekly, CNN, The Daily Dot, Mashable, Glamour, and InStyle. In recent years, her freelancing has focused on drug use and the overdose crisis, with pieces appearing in Vanity Fair, WIRED, The New Republic, The Daily Beast, and more. Her story for BuzzFeed News won the 2022 American Journalism Online award for Best Debunking of Fake News.

In addition to her journalism, Lindsey is a student at the NYU School of Global Public Health, where she is working toward her Master of Public Health and conducting research on media bias in reporting on substance use with the Opioid Policy Institute’s Reporting on Addiction initiative. She is also a Schwinn-certified spin class teacher. She won a 2023 Dunkin’ Donuts contest that earned her a year of free coffee. Lindsey lives in New York, NY.

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