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You Can Get $59 Flights From Southwest This Summer

These one-way fares will be on sale until June 1st.
You Can Get $59 Flights From Southwest This Summer
Credit: KevinKim - Shutterstock

Are you stuck at home this weekend, while your friends and family are enjoying themselves out of town? Not to worry: You didn’t miss your chance at summer travel. In fact, you can get airfare as low as $59 one-way during S0uthwest’s current sale. Here’s what to know.

How to get $59 fares on Southwest

Like any Southwest sale, you’ll need to be a little flexible with your dates in order to get the cheapest tickets. Although you can try your luck searching for your desired travel dates, your best bet is visiting the low-fare calendar on their website, which allows you to look at fares over the span of a month.

Alternatively, if you’re not sure where you want to go, select your home airport on this page, then find a destinations with fares that fit your budget. Just be sure to book soon: The sale ends on Thursday, June 1 at 11:59 p.m. PST.

Of course, with fares this low, plenty of terms and conditions apply. For starters, you’ll need to purchase your tickets at least 21 days in advance and travel within a designated period:

  • Within the continental U.S.: June 13 through November 1, 2023

  • Continental U.S. to Hawaii, and Hawaii interisland travel: August 8 through November 1, 2023

  • Continental U.S. from Hawaii travel, international travel, and travel to/from San Juan, Puerto Rico: August 15 through November 1, 2023

When to book winter and holiday flights on Southwest

Those looking to book their holiday or other winter travel with Southwest will be able to do so soon. At the moment, the airline is only accepting reservations through November 4, 2023, but starting on June 8, you’ll be able to book tickets on flights through January 7, 2024.

Elizabeth Yuko
Elizabeth Yuko

Dr. Elizabeth Yuko is a bioethicist and adjunct professor of ethics at Fordham University. She has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, CNN & Playboy.

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