Should You Eat Ramen on Toast?
I don’t know when it happened, but at some point we—as a society—decided that it was indecent to consume a carbohydrate on or in another carbohydrate. There are some exceptions, such as Taco Bell’s now retired spicy potato soft taco and the UK’s chip butty, but in most circles, carb-on-carb is a fairly rare configuration.
Potatoes are the easiest to get away with. Both the taco and butty (which is British for “odd little sandwich”) I mention above use potato as the “filling carb,” and a wheat-based carb as the delivery system. Getting two wheat-based carbs involved, on the other hand, feels awkward—but that’s exactly what reader Kurt suggested I do.

Awkwardness, however, isn’t always bad. Awkward moments and situations can be exhilarating, if uncomfortable. And nothing truly exciting ever happens when you’re comfortable. Though it might be a stretch to say Kurt’s snack was “exhilarating,” I certainly was mildly uncomfortable for a moment, and the results were not at all what I was expecting.
At first, it seemed like there was far too much liquid involved, but the seaweed made quick work of it, absorbing almost all of the “dressing” to make a sort of seafood-y noodle-y salad. It was—without giving too much away—surprising. Even Joel, who did not follow the instructions given in the email, was surprised by the resulting ... food thing (watch the video to see just how surprised we were). If you happen to be a vegan who misses crab salad (or krab salad), this snack could be made with egg-less mayo to suit your needs, and I think you too might be surprised by how much you like it.
So thank you, Kurt. Thank you for the email, thank you for the journey, and thank you for the mayo. And if anyone else has any snacks—mayo-based or otherwise—they’d like me and Joel to try, you know where to find me (use the email address below).