Control All Your Smart Devices Outside With This $16 Kasa Outdoor Smart Plug

This smart plug can help you control lights and other outdoor devices via app.

Kasa Outdoor Smart Plug | $16 | Amazon
Kasa Outdoor Smart Plug | $16 | Amazon
Graphic: Brittany Vincent

Kasa Outdoor Smart Plug | $16 | Amazon

Do you have a lot of outdoor lights or other smart devices you need to control with a central hub? Switch everything over to a Kasa Outdoor Smart Plug, just $16, to simplify everything. This plug offers voice and remote control, and is waterproof to boot. It’s easy to set up and add to your Wi-Fi connection, and you can even set your smart plug to turn off and on at the times you specify. It’s about time you upgraded your outside arsenal, right? Grab a couple of these plugs to do just that.