Have R2D2's Second Cousin Twice Removed Clean Your Floors With the Roborock S6 MaxV Robot Vacuum Cleaner for $290 Off

The robots love to help with the chores, and they never complain like those pesky children.

Roborock S6 MaxV Robot Vacuum | $460 | Amazon
Roborock S6 MaxV Robot Vacuum | $460 | Amazon
Graphic: Keith Stawarz

Roborock S6 MaxV Robot Vacuum | $460 | Amazon

The robots are taking over! As long as it’s for cleaning, you should be just as excited as I am. Nothing beats coming home to spotless floors that you don’t have to think about manually cleaning. This robo buddy does it all. Not only does vacuum, but it also mops your floors. This is the Megatron of robot vacuums. It automatically avoids obstacles using twin cameras and proprietary ReactiveAI—no more bumping into things and knocking your stuff over. The precision LiDAR navigation allows you to accurately create onboard maps to ensure more efficient cleaning with many customizable cleaning options all in the easy-to-use app. You can even control the mopping schedule right from the app and choose no mop zones if needed. (No one wants a wet carpet, am I right?) My personal favorite feature is the robot eye. You can watch whatever your little robot friend is doing live. The vacuum is so smart it can learn up to four levels of your home and automatically and recognize every room position. Save $290 and let this baby get to cleaning.

This story was originally published by Keith Stawarz on 10/24/2021 and updated with new information on 02/05/2022.