Take $60 off the Bissell ICONpet Turbo Edge Cordless Vacuum and Make Doing Pirouettes While Vacuuming a Thing

Get right to the edge of the walls with this Bissell Vacuum.

Bissell ICONpet Turbo Edge Cordless Vacuum | $336 | Amazon
Bissell ICONpet Turbo Edge Cordless Vacuum | $336 | Amazon
Graphic: Keith Stawarz

Bissell ICONpet Turbo Edge Cordless Vacuum | $336 | Amazon

You are looking at your floor wishing it would be cleaner without having to lug that bulky vacuum out of the closet. You also don’t have time to vacuum and practice your ballet. The Bissell ICONpet Cordless vacuum solves all three of those problems at once. This vacuum gets you cleaning right to the edge of your walls. The CleanSlide technology separates the dirt from the debris for easily emptying the tank. The tangle-free brush included in this vacuum keeps your brush from getting stuck. It sweeps all those hairs right into the tank. The specialized pet tools assist you in getting up every piece of hair in all the nooks and crevices. With your purchase, you also support the Bissell Pet Foundation and its mission to support homeless animals. Save $60 today.